Well it probably seemed to everyone that we had abandoned this blog, but in fact we were just busy getting settled in. Well I guess everyone would like to know what is going on. First I will tell you about Tania. She got her dream job working at Primary Childrens Medical Center, working in the infant medical surgical unit. She really likes it there. She only works with cute little babies. I was going to work until we found out it would cost us more for part time daycare then I would make working while attending school. So instead I am going to school full time studying mechanical engineering. I am enjoying school, and hope to be done with most of my general studies at the end of this semester. Tania works three days a week which works out good so that I can watch the kids when she is at work, and she watches them when I am at school. Mitchell turned five in December. He is still full of energy as always. He is also getting really good at reading. I think he is going through a growth spurt because clothes that he got on his birthday and christmas are already getting small on him. Elizabeth just turned one on the 24th of February. We think she is the cutest little girl in the whole world. I have decided she is going to be a librarian, because she loves to turn the pages in books, and she has extrodinary hearing and sight when it comes to people trying to hide food from her. She still is just crawling around. She is to afraid to walk without holding someones hands.
In December I decided with all the snow that we had received that I should make some snow sculptures. The cowboy in the backyard was about 7 feet tall, and the turtle in the front yard was about 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Several of the neighbors commented on how good the turtle was and how unexpected it was. The turtle was freestanding on its own 4 legs, and withstood kids of all ages climbing on it.
Spring time looks like it is starting to arrive. Most of the snow is melted and it is very comfortable to be outside in a tee shirt (and yes, other people think it is warm not just me). Right now we are headed to the park to enjoy the nice weather. Hope all is well with you. Also both of our phone numbers are still the same so if anyone would like to give us a call feel free to do so.