Elizabeth also seems to be growing a lot lately. She is finally able to wear clothes that are actually for her age which is 19 months. She is just as cute as ever. She can already talk really good. She can repeat any word you say. She can even repeat hard words like sustenance. If you say hello she says "hello." If you then ask her how she's doing she says "good." At church she seems to enjoy going to nursery. I have never had to force her to stay there, and she is never crying when I leave so I think she does pretty good. This is a picture of her on our bed.
Tania is still working at primary children's medical center, and seems to enjoy it. I think working with kids like she does that have medical rap sheets as long as the rap sheets of America's most wanted criminals would be incredibly stressful, but she seems to love it. I'm glad because the kids normally need a lot of attention, and who better to give it to them but Tania.
I also started school again this fall at the Salt Lake Community College. I am enjoying it so far. Living in Utah isn't that bad either. I don't have to memorize very many street names because of the grid system that the streets are set up on. It makes finding things, and places that I have never been to before really easy. Well I just thought I would write a little to let everyone that keeps asking when we will update our blog know what is going on. I will get Tania to write again soon.