Announcing the birth of Samantha Ali McEvoy
Sami was born March 9th at 6:34pm. She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz, and was 19 inches long.
Her brother and sister love her, and we are all excited to have her in our home. I am feeling really good, and have had a really fast and fairly easy recovery. Our only real challenge has been getting sleep. Sami seems to have something that bothers her at night, and she spends hours grunting and crying, and nothing we do seems to help much. The good news is that she sleeps great during the day and is very well behaved during the day! :) Unfortunately, that doesn't help Josh much. I would think she just has her days and nights mixed up, but it isn't just that she's awake at night. She really seems uncomfortable or like something is bothering her. Hopefully we can figure it out soon.
We have all been enjoying the warmer weather this last week or two. We go on walks almost every day, and when the girls and I walk to pick up Mitchell from school in the afternoons, we stay and play on the playground for a while. It has been really fun. One of these days I will have to remember my camera and take some pictures. Lizzy loves the playground, especially the slides, and she has no fear. She will try all sorts of new things, and go places she shouldn't go being as small as she is, and I really have to keep track of her so she won't kill herself! She would live at the playground if she could, I think.