Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Only a year late...

I've had a few people kindly remind me that it has been over a year since I last updated the blog, so I guess I better do it. The longer I wait, the harder it gets to do because there is simply too much to write!

I guess we'll start at the top. Josh started driving truck over the road again about a year ago. He started driving for Pride Transport. It was a pretty good company to work for, but it was very hard on our family to have him gone so much. He was generally gone for about a week and a half at a time, then home for a day or two, and then gone again. So in June of this year he left Pride and started driving for FritoLay. He is only gone a day or so at a time, and it has been much better for our family. Plus we get a discount on chips at the company store! :)

Tania is still working at Primary Childrens and loving it. She switched from full time (3 shifts/week) to part time (2 shifts/week) when Josh started driving again. Sometimes that feels like too much still because the weeks keep going too fast!

Mitch is almost 9 and in 4th grade. We decided to put Mitch in Online school this year, and we keep wondering why it took us so long to do that. The curriculum is much more challenging and he has learned so much more this year than he has learned all the previous years combined. He didn't learn much of anything in 3rd grade, and had a teacher that wouldn't communicate with us at all. It was very frustrating for everyone, and so we thought we'd try this method. It is essentially a charter school because it is a free public school. They sent us all the books and everything we need for science experiments (which accompany just about every lesson) and art. Some of the lessons are online and some are in the books they sent us. We are his "Learning Coaches" and there are teachers online available to help with anything. Some of the classes are taught in online "classrooms" where they have a powerpoint/white board and microphones. He loves it and we are so happy he is actually being challenged and learning to buckle down and do his work.

Lizzy is 4. She is a very strong little girl, and she loves to do pull-ups on Josh's pull-up bar. She has a best friend that lives across the street from us. She and Sami both love to play with Eden. It is so cute to watch them play together. They have so much fun. Lizzy is still a very girly girl. She wears a skirt every day. She has to be forced into wearing pants. She loves to get her hair done and her nails painted.

Sami is 2. She and Lizzy have lots of fun together.

They share just about everything, even a bunk bed. And since everything Lizzy grows out of becomes Sami's, they share clothes and toys for the most part too. She has little to no interest in potty training, much to our dismay. She is a very cute, spunky little redhead.

Alex is the newest addition to our family.
She was born the first part of May. She came out with lots of dark, curly hair and darker skin. If I hadn't seen her be born, I would've thought maybe they switched babies on us. She loves to be held. Even if she is hungry, as long as she's being held, she is happy as a clam. Her skin has lightened up since she was born, and she is starting to look more and more like Mitch all the time.

Life keeps going faster and faster the older I get. Hopefully one of these days I'll get caught up...

October 2011

Every October we go down to Thanksgiving Point. They have a corn maze and lots of fall festivities. We didn't do the corn maze this year, but the kids had a blast with all the other stuff they had. Mitch loved the pedal carts, and even the girls liked the rides Tania gave them.

The kids (including Josh) also loved the duck races.

The girls' favorite part is the Princess area, where they have lots of dressups to try on and a princess pumpkin carriage to sit in. This year they even had a stage where they could dance, but the girls were to nervous to do much dancing.

For our neighborhood Halloween party, we all dressed up. Here are our costumes:

Happy Halloween!!